Friday, April 23, 2010

jika benar aku berdosa...
biarlah DIA saja yang menghakimi ku...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"memang tak mau kahwin ke?"

hahahahahaha terkejut badak bin gajah binti rhinoceros dibuatnya bila kena bagi soalan begitu. "sejibik"! kena muka ooo! hahahaha...

alkisahnya, kitorang baru balik daripada makan tengahari. tunggu kelas jam 2.30pm. sambil duduk sembang-sembang, sorang leftenan kolonel pun bertanya, "bila kau nak kahwin?"...cliche-nyer soklan hahaha...mula-mula rasa tidak senang juga dengan soalan tu, tapi sebab saja tidak mau menjengkelkan keadaan, aku pun buat joke dengan cakap "tunggu bulan jatuh ke riba kot" hahaha...dia pun ketawa juga la...lepas tu dia tanya lagi, "berapa umur sekarang?"...aku selamba jawab "tahun ni 29"...mungkin dia nampak aku selamba jak dan dok senyum memanjang...tu yang kuar soklan "memang tak mau kahwin ke?"...aku terkejut, lepas tu aku ketawa besar lar! ...tapi 2, 3 saat macam tu, aku terkedu dengan soklan tu, sebab dia tanya serius...jadi dalam keadaan ke-ter-keduan itu aku pun jawab "rasanya, tiada perempuan yang decide tidak mahu kawin, cuma mungkin jodoh belum sampai"...dia pun mengangguk saja, lepas tu kelas pun mula... :sigh

i think the facilitator shouldn't do that!

well, what ever your negotiations with the speaker, should not be exposed to us!

the other day, we all should be having this slot session of topic 'A', but instead, the course's facilitator informed us that topic 'A' will be replace with another topic. so and so the speaker came out with topic 'B' explaining that this topic is more important and usefull to us, which in my opinion after the session is YES.

so i assume my fellow course members are very much looking forward to this topic 'A' that they asked the course's facilitator of whether that slot session for topic 'A' will be replaced. well, the facilitator said NO, and to my suprise, the facilitator "story-telling" us that the reason the speaker presents topic 'B' because he had no time preparing for the topic 'A' slides due to work commitment and because topic 'A' is the topic that he usually prensent and are confident-to. and that the speaker had promise her that he will discuss slightly about topic 'A' in the presentation, in which he didn't.

well, in my opinion, that wasn't necessary, because, it seems like down-grading the speaker. maybe the facilitator can surely put up some more concrete excuses to tell us instead of blowing it like that. because it sounds negative to me. hmmm maybe we should put more "ethics" in this ya? something to ponder...

Monday, April 5, 2010

silly mistake that maybe anybody do

it was over lunch at this cafeteria, just finished from 4 hour session of "non-verbal communication skill" lecture...i got my nerved up when some fellow during the session saying that "insyaAllah" is a way of saying "no"...but i didn't raise my reservations during the session, maybe simply because i don't want to create a confrontation...or maybe even labeled as "pious" hahaha...

well, im no expert in Islam, but i totally disagree with that! "insyaAllah", if directly translated it would carry the meaning of "with Allah's will = dengan izin Allah"...means, when you said "insyaAllah", you must, as a muslim, really meant it in your heart...for example, if someone ask you "will you go the wedding?", and your answer "insyaAllah, i will come", it must, in my opinion, by all means carry the understanding that you will make all the effort to come, and the rest you leave it to Allah's willing...

anyway, to make it short, i sat down with some buddies that i made during the 1 week of the course, and start expressing my thoughts about it...well, to admit it, im a bit emotional at that time, and i didn't realized that my tone is at its pitch (i do have a loud voice actually :sigh)...until few minutes of bla bla bla...only then i realized that i wasn't looking at my right, left or back before exploding, you know what i mean? hahaha...well, it's quite a small cafeteria, and it was just our group using that room, so i assume maybe that fellow hear what i said! well, i guess so he heard me, because when i run over him during the evening session when i was going to the washroom, he gave me "that face" hahahaha....

so, it's kind a silly mistake that i do...well, my lesson for today, if you want to "talk", make sure you looked at your right, left and back before doing so ;) ...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

it just hit you sometime when seeing some women easily get hooked-up, you know?... when you feel you rarely get that chance...
books is single women bestfriend! it occupy your time and most important it occupy your mind...
waiting for the train that never comes. what happened to our transport system? don't they collect data? didn't they do the maths n used it for their interests? if "time" is your constraint, then you must avoid the tren!
it's pathetic when you feel alone...